- 穿搭 【LOQI】行李箱外套 - 柏林 LSURBE(S號)
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In space news, NASA's Parker Solar Probe has been getting a lot of attention. On August 12th, the spacecraft began its journey to the Sun's corona. It will be the first man-made object to fly so close to the Sun. But this isn't the only big event in space news. The European Space Agency(ESA)just launched another important tool for us to learn more about our planet.
美國航太總署(NASA)的「帕克」太陽探測器,已經好一陣子占據太空新聞的版面。就在8 月12 日這天, 帕克正式升空,開啟飛往太陽日冕的航程。這將使它成為第一個與太陽近身飛行的人造物件。然而,重大的太空新聞不只這樁。歐洲太空總署(ESA)最近也發射了另一個重要的探測工具,幫助我們更瞭解地球。
On August 22nd, the ESA launched its Aeolus satellite from French Guiana in South America. It was named af?ter the Greek god of wind because the satellite will gath?er information about global wind patterns, for example wind speeds, to create a complete map of Earth's winds. Like the Parker Solar Probe, it's the first of its kind and is one of the most advanced satellites ever made.
8 8月22 日這天,ESA 在momo雙11購物節南美洲法屬圭亞那發射「愛奧勒斯」衛星。這枚衛星以希臘風神的名字命名,它將收集地球風的模式(例如風速)的資料,藉此描繪地球完整的風的樣貌。如果帕克是探日的先鋒,那愛奧勒斯就是「捕風」的先驅,而且是人類迄今製造最精良的衛星之一。
The Sun and global wind patterns are more closely related than you might think. The Parker Solar Probe will help us learn more about solar wind. Solar wind affects Earth's winds. The informa?tion from Parker combined with the info that Aeolus is going to provide will help us to better understand Earth's weather. That will let us make more accurate pre?dictions in weather forecasts.
太陽與地球風的關連,比你我想像的還密切。帕克可幫我們更加瞭解太陽風。太陽風會影響地球上的風。帕克收集到的資訊,加上愛奧勒斯提供的資訊, 可幫助我們進一步瞭解地球的天氣,讓氣象預報更精準。
So how does it work? First, Aeolus needs to reach about 320 kilometers above Earth. Once there, Aeolus will shoot a laser down into the atmosphere. The ultraviolet (UV) laser will bounce off air molecules and other particles in the wind. Aeo?lus will collect this information and send it to us.
愛奧勒斯如何運作?首先,它必須飛到地球上方320 公里處。就定位後,愛奧勒斯往下朝地球大氣層射出雷射。這種紫外線(UV)雷射觸及空氣中的分子及其他粒子後,向外彈離。愛奧勒斯負責收集、傳回這些彈離的訊息。
There are many ways to measure the wind right here on Earth. We can use anemometers, or wind socks, close to the ground. In the sky, we use weather balloons. Aeolus is special because it can gather information about the wind at all alti?tudes, from the ground up to the stratosphere at 30km. It can also measure this data over the entire planet instead of just in one town or city .
目前已有許多從地球測量風的方式。我們可在離地面較近的空中,善用風速表或風袋;也可以在空中用氣象氣球量測。愛奧勒斯特殊之處在於,它能收集不同高度的風的資料,不管是地面,或距地面30 公里平流層的風。此外,它能在整個地球之上進行測量,而非受限在特定城鎮或城市。
The Aeolus project was first approved in 1999. The ESA hoped to launch the satellite in 2007. However, en?gineers had trouble getting the ultraviolet laser to work in the extreme conditions of space. For several years, the project was put on hold. This is the most difficult mission the ESA has ever undertaken. Many people thought it would never fly.
愛奧勒斯計畫早在1999 年即獲准執行。ESA 原訂2007 年發射衛星。但工程師遇到技術上的麻煩,必須設法解決如何讓紫外線雷射,在太空極端天候狀態下仍能正常運作。中間經過很多年,這個計畫一度被擱置。愛奧勒斯計畫是ESA 至今從事最流行服飾批發艱困的太空任務。很多人甚至不看好愛奧勒斯衛星可以飛起來。
【MIZUNO 美津濃】WAVE LIGHTNING Z4 羽球鞋 V1GA180051(排球鞋)穿搭文,【MIZUNO 美津濃】WAVE LIGHTNING Z4 羽球鞋 V1GA180051(排球鞋)穿搭衣服
In space news, NASA's Parker Solar Probe has been getting a lot of attention. On August 12th, the spacecraft began its journey to the Sun's corona. It will be the first man-made object to fly so close to the Sun. But this isn't the only big event in space news. The European Space Agency(ESA)just launched another important tool for us to learn more about our planet.
美國航太總署(NASA)的「帕克」太陽探測器,已經好一陣子占據太空新聞的版面。就在8 月12 日這天, 帕克正式升空,開啟飛往太陽日冕的航程。這將使它成為第一個與太陽近身飛行的人造物件。然而,重大的太空新聞不只這樁。歐洲太空總署(ESA)最近也發射了另一個重要的探測工具,幫助我們更瞭解地球。
On August 22nd, the ESA launched its Aeolus satellite from French Guiana in South America. It was named af?ter the Greek god of wind because the satellite will gath?er information about global wind patterns, for example wind speeds, to create a complete map of Earth's winds. Like the Parker Solar Probe, it's the first of its kind and is one of the most advanced satellites ever made.
8 8月22 日這天,ESA 在南美洲法屬圭亞那發射「愛奧勒斯」衛星。這枚衛星以希臘風神的名字命名,它將收集地球風的模式(例如風速)的資料,藉此描繪地球完整的風的樣貌。如果帕克是探日的先鋒,那愛奧勒斯就是「捕風」的先驅,而且是人類迄今製造最精良的衛星之一。
The Sun and global wind patterns are more closely related than you might think. The Parker Solar Probe will help us learn more about solar wind. Solar wind affects Earth's winds. The informa?tion from Parker combined with the info that Aeolus is going to provide will help us to better understand Earth's weather. That will let us make more accurate pre?dictions in weather forecasts.
太陽與地球風的關連,比你我想像的還密切。帕克可幫我們更加瞭解太陽風。太陽風會影響地球上的風。帕克收集到的資訊,加上愛奧勒斯提供的資訊, 可幫助我們進一步瞭解地球的天氣,讓氣象預報更精準。
So how does it work? First, Aeolus needs to reach about 320 kilometers above Earth. Once there, Aeolus will shoot a laser down into the atmosphere. The ultraviolet (UV) laser will bounce off air molecules and other particles in the wind. Aeo?lus will collect this information and send it to us.
愛奧勒斯如何運作?首先,它必須飛到地球上方320 公里處。就定位後,愛奧勒斯往下朝地球大氣層射出雷射。這種紫外線(UV)雷射觸及空氣中的分子及其他粒子後,向外彈離。愛奧勒斯負責收集、傳回這些彈離的訊息。
There are many ways to measure the wind right here on Earth. We can use anemometers, or wind socks, close to the ground. In the sky, we use weather balloons. Aeolus is special because it can gather information about the wind at all alti?tudes, from the ground up to the stratosphere at 30km. It can also measure this data over the entire planet instead of just in one town or city .
目前已有許多從地球測量風的方式。我們可在離地面較近的空中,善用風速表或風袋;也可以在空中用氣象氣球量測。愛奧勒斯特殊之處在於,它能收集不同高度的風的資料,不管是地面,或距地面30 公里平流層的風。此外,它能在整個地球之上進行測量,而非受限在特定城鎮或城市。
The Aeolus project was first approved in 1999. The ESA hoped to launch the satellite in 2007. However, en?gineers had trouble getting the ultraviolet laser to work in the extreme conditions of space. For several years, the project was put on hold. This is the most difficult mission the ESA has ever undertaken. Many people thought it would never fly.
愛奧勒斯計畫早在1999 年即獲准執行。ESA 原訂2007 年發射衛星。但工程師遇到技術上的麻煩,必須設法解決如何讓紫外線雷射,在太空極端天候狀態下仍能正常運作。中間經過很多年,這個計畫一度被擱置。愛奧勒斯計畫是ESA 至今從事最艱困的太空任務。很多人甚至不看好愛奧勒斯衛星可以飛起來。
【MIZUNO 美津濃】WAVE LIGHTNING Z4 羽球鞋 V1GA180051(排球鞋)如何穿搭,【MIZUNO 美津濃】WAVE LIGHTNING Z4 羽球鞋 V1GA180051(排球鞋)穿搭達人
- 穿搭 【LOQI】行李箱外套 - 柏林 LSURBE(S號)
- 流行服飾搭配 【Alberta】亮片珠光小方頭包鞋3CM跟高方便套腳懶人鞋(黑)
- 雙11網購 【ecco】DAMARA SANDAL 棉麻意象平底涼鞋(紅 24818350673)
- 流行服飾搭配 【HANNFORT】EASY WALK雕花圖騰氣墊休閒鞋-女Q(青瓷藍)
- 穿搭衣服 【Just Gold 鎮金店】The Honour榮耀純金系列-黃金單耳耳環